Avid readers of our blog will probably recall a recent barnstormer of a post from master photographer and all round good egg, Parker J Pfister.
Now we know Parker J is pretty handy with his mad post-processing skills, so we asked him to record a series of video tutorials on his finishing process in Exposure.
To kick things off with the first video, Parker outlines his workflow from beginning to end using one of his recent iconic images. As you’ll see, many of Exposure’s features are combined and used together to spice up the shot. Parker’s innate understanding of his gear and what he wants his images to say flows directly into his technique in post. We think you’ll agree his inspiring photography and comedic timing make for an entertaining learning experience.
Anyone wishing to learn more from the man himself should check out Parker’s upcoming workshop running from May 5th-8th in Asheville, NC. Definitely recommended for those who want to improve their photography and post-production skill set!
Try Exposure Today

Loved this, Parker J is awesome!! Thanks so much for the tutorial!!