Femina Photo + Design is a photography and graphic design team comprised of two women: Nicole Dimotsis and Noelle Andrews. Based out of NYC and Philadelphia, Nicole and Noelle specialize in wedding and portrait photography while also incorporating in-house design services such as album and stationery design.
We recently chatted with Noelle about Femina’s photography workflow and post-production process. Here’s what she had to tell us:
“For our current workflow, we use Photo Mechanic for sorting and culling, before importing the RAW files into Lightroom for color and exposure processing. The vast majority of our work is done in Lightroom, but we also use Photoshop for a small percentage of images that may need retouching and skin finishing.”
“Exposure brings a whole new level of stylization and finishing to our collection of work. While we love that our digital cameras can perform flawlessly at higher ISO’s, we do like that Exposure allows us to bring back some of the grain and textures you get with film. We also have the ability to fine tune filters just the way we want and incorporate our style into them.”
“With Exposure, we have much more control when it comes to processing because we can tweak various parts of a filter, such as individual color tones and saturation, exposure, grain strength and texture within a specific tonal range (i.e. highlights, mid tones, shadows, etc). We also like the fact that we can scale back the overall intensity of a filter if we simply want to enhance the photograph without completely altering its original look.”
“Some of our favorite Exposure presets are Polaroid Fuji FP-100C, Polaroid Polachrome, Vintage Kodachrome II, Ilford Delta 100 and Vintage Daguerreotype.”
“Our process for building personal presets usually starts with finding filters that we know work well with our overall style and then we only need to tweak them based on the environment and type of shot. This usually includes fine-tuning individual color sliders and saturation until we feel that the skin tones look most natural given a particular lighting situation and finding a grain and texture that lends itself better to certain types of images (i.e. getting ready and portraits vs. outside ceremony or inside reception).”
“Typically we save more than one version of a preset based on these scenarios, so next time we want to use it for inside getting ready or portraits, all we need to do is apply the preset and continue working without any major adjustments.
We’re excited to see what you guys have in store and how we can really build upon this process!”
Thanks Noelle! We’re looking forward to showing you guys what we have in store! Be sure to stay tuned for some very cool updates soon!
We appreciate Noelle from Femina for taking the time to share her feedback and amazing images with us. If you like what you see, you’d like to add Exposure to your toolset, don’t forget we currently have a sale on in the store, so you can get Exposure 5 for 30% off through the end of the day Friday!
Hurry over to the store and take advantage of the savings while they last!
Try Exposure Today