This 200% enlargement shows how fine edges acquire stairstep artifacts from traditional resizing. Blow Up keeps thin features like hair (and tentacles!) smooth and clean.

Bicubic 200% enlargement
Blow Up 200% enlargement
The edges of the fire in this 200% enlargement are much more crisp when enlarged with Blow Up.
Bicubic 200% Enlargement
Blow Up 200% Enlargement
Photo courtesy of Luc Viatour www.Lucnix.be under GNU and Creative Commons licenses listed here.
The human eye is particularly sensitive to faces. That’s why Blow Up is crucial for large portrait prints. Notice how well Blow Up preserves edges around the teeth, eyes, and glasses in this 200% enlargement.

Bicubic 200% Enlargement
Blow Up 200% Enlargement

Bicubic 200% Enlargement
Blow Up 200% Enlargement
Blow Up is phenomenal at enlarging illustrations such as this logo. We resized this image by 400% yet curves retained their shape and stayed tack sharp!

Bicubic 400% Enlargement
Blow Up 400% Enlargement
In this extreme enlargement of 300% you can see traditional bicubic enlargement break down, but Blow Up keeps edges sharp and smooth.

Bicubic 300% Enlargement
Blow Up 300% Enlargement
This 200% enlargement shows how traditional bicubic resizing starts to blur and break up edges while Blow Up holds them together and keeps them sharp.

Bicubic 200% Enlargement
Blow Up 200% Enlargement

Bicubic 200% Enlargement
Blow Up 200% Enlargement
Photo courtesy of ForestWander Nature Photography www.ForestWander.com under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License.