Here is a brand new tutorial about creating icy winter effects with Eye Candy. I recommend it for anyone with the itch to make a chilly holiday graphic.
In the video, I use the keyboard shortcut ⌘+Option+F on Mac or Ctrl+Alt+F on the PC. This key combination reopens the last filter used in Photoshop. It’s a real time-saver when you’re working with Eye Candy.
Don’t confuse this shortcut with ⌘+F/Ctrl+F which reapplies the last filter.
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thanks for tutorial,very help !
Great tip. Eye candy has sure come a long way. From when I 1st got it. On other note video bit soft and not sure about the “Thanks for tuning in” can not find that nob for tuning in, on my computer. LOL
Good point Andre. To be accurate, I’ll have to change my normal sign off. “Thanks for clicking…” just dosen’t have the same ring to it. ;-)
Very nice… I’m going to try this one!
The tutorials are VERY helpful. I always find knowing a little, enables me to more easily go out on my own and experiment! THANK YOU Jimmy!
Roz Fruchtman
Thanks for the kind words Roz. I’m glad to hear it’s inspiring you to try new things. That’s awesome!
Great tutorial, i have eye candy 3 and definitely going to upgrade to 7 :)
I LOVE this tut! Love the snow and ice. Will definitely play with this right away. I LOVE Eye Candy and have had it since version 3. It was my very first plug-in. Keep up the great work!