Exposure advocate Hailey Bartholomew is an award-winning photographer and filmmaker. She, and her husband Andrew, love to inspire by their use of color and their upbeat positivity. Andrew is an art director, writer and quite the Instagrammer, as well. Together, along with their two daughters, they travel the world in search of the work they love to do – making unforgettable films and photography.
I asked Hailey to share with our blog readers a little about herself, her work, and to give her opinions on gear and software. Below is her response. Thanks, Hailey.
Whether I am shooting film or photos, I love to tell stories that reflect the good in life. There is so much about life that is good and wonderful and beautiful even in the hard times there is wonderful love and moments to cherish and things to learn. I am driven to create photos and video that highlight and capture these stories.
A mentor friend of mine used to tell me that making mistakes was a good practice. According to them, if I make a lot of mistakes, it’s a good thing. It means that I’m trying new things. New things stimulate new growth and development in my workflow. Now when I make a mistake I look at it as an opportunity to learn.
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in life is organization. It’s key, especially in the arena of paperwork and contracts. I’ve made more mistakes with that than I’d care to admit. Learn from them and don’t get caught without your paperwork sorted with your jobs.
With gear and cameras, less is more. My go-to lens for both video and photography work is the 35mm 1.4L Canon, followed by a 50 f/1.2 or a 135 f/2. I prefer to shoot with prime lenses. Shooting with two cameras using a combination of these lenses covers most of my needs.
In the computer, I’m not much of a techie, so I prefer to work with software that helps me produce beautiful work quickly and painlessly. Most of my work is natural light, often in the late afternoon because of the yummy warm light of the Australian sunset.
I absolutely love Exposure because of its easy peasy nature. The controls are intuitive, simple and easy to understand, and they make for quick processing. I prefer not to spend all of my time at the computer when there’s a whole word out there to explore. I consider the color slide film presets my absolute favorites. I almost always find myself digging through them when editing.
See more of Hailey and Andrew’s work on their blog and website or on Facebook, twitter, or Vimeo . Check out their ‘365 Grateful Project,’ too.
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I own alienskin 5 and wanted to know when the new alienskin 6 coming out I saw a june release and was just curious when it will be ready
Hi Karl,
We are working hard and putting the finishing touches on Exposure 6 right now. Just as soon as it’s ready to go, we’ll announce it on the blog as well as in our social media channels.