It’s time for our next Photo of the Quarter competition announcement. It feels like we just announced the last contest. Where does the time go?
This award is extra special. We announced that this will be the final photo of the quarter competition for a while. It has been a great experience over the last few years. There has been a lot of great work shared in the Exposure and Snap Art user groups on Facebook. We may bring the contests back sometime in the future, but this is the last one for a while.
If you missed out on the contest rules, you may want to take a look. The images with the most likes were gathered up and presented to our guest judge Christobal Perez. He determined the order of the finalists. The top shots are listed below with comments from Christobal.
The tilt-shift quality, film grain, moment and framing of the subject, makes this image a gem. Her slight smile places you in the moment and the B&W is perfect for this shot. Your eye wonders off the print and back wondering what she is thinking. Well done.
An image which reminds me of film shot in the 70’s. Subtle, clean with a connection between the subject, dog and beach. I’m all about the moment which allows me to feel the scene. The reflection, smile, space and action also enhances the image.
A modern version of Audrey Hepburn comes to mind when I view this shot. This beautiful image is well lit and toned. B&W was the only option here. The reflection of the box in the glass may bother some but not here. Love the look you created.
Multiple layers of work went into this image. Every element of nostalgia added enhances the feeling of this wonderful portrait. I even love the simple bouquet matching the sprinkle of flowers at the feet of the groom.
The pose, the look, and the light gives this image strength. Another element, is the crop of this image which forces the eye to feel the energy of the subject. Every part of this image is thought out and executed well. Impressive work.
Repetition, pattern, and placement of the background elements are key components to this image. The lighting is superb and the posing of the model enhances the geometric shapes and patterns. Lots of work and thought went into this image. A well executed photo.
Wonderful warm tones on the model with a cooler background give this image contrast. Contrast that keeps you looking at the image. Her pose is innocent and strong which gives you the feeling being her for this moment.
Location, location, location. This is the right location, right light, and the right use of the blanket to complement the tone of the door. The pose is pleasant and soft to offset the harshness of the environment. I would have loved to see this image in B&W.
A wonderful fog-filled landscape with the additional element of flying birds. The soft grain enhances the mystery of this image. Patience in waiting for all the right elements makes this one of a kind.
The nesting feeling of this image is soothing. The attention to detail in interlacing the fingers provides peace to the subject. Soft contrast coupled with a vignette frames the child in an embracing manner.
***Winning Photo***
Wow. Having an Alice in Wonderland moment here. Give me a second….ok. The embrace, slight dimpled smile, stare, wardrobe, and the simple background together make this a delightful portrait. I read the personality of this child right through this shot. It’s beautiful.
Congratulations to Arina Thomsen for her winning shot. We will be in touch shortly to talk about your winnings. Thank to everyone for participating.
Important announcements will be posted on this space. Keep connected with us on social media for the latest.
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Thank you so much! I have no words to express how much I appreciate this reward. There are so many incredibly talented photographers/artists in this group with such strong entries… It is was a very pleasant surprise to see that your own work won… Thank you, Alien Skin Exposure, I don’t know any better software that would give such perfect film finish to digital images.
[…] behind the shot. This time, I’ve had the opportunity to befriend Arina Thomsen. The latest Photo of the Quarter award winner. She also won the last Photo of the Month contest, […]