I’m excited to announce the upcoming release of Exposure X4. It’s the latest version of our advanced photo editor and organizer, and it brings with it powerful new capabilities. Photographers of all genres will find Exposure X4 to be the only app they need to create gorgeous images and master their workflow in a fast, intuitive way.
Here’s what you can look forward to when Exposure X4 is available:
- Improvements to Exposure’s RAW processing system
- Perspective and keystone correction to minimize or eliminate optical distortion
- Enhanced light effects that you can move and rotate freely anywhere in your image
- Smart collections that automatically populate based on photo criteria that you choose
- Faster file exporting and launch times
- Lightroom migration tool that brings your Lightroom organizational metadata over into Exposure
- Monitored folders that support tethered shooting workflows
- New printing presets
- Support for new cameras and lenses
- Expanded workflow options for image copying and exporting
We’ll be announcing the release soon, so watch our blog and social media for news. We’ll also be sending out free upgrades to Exposure X4 to anyone who purchased Exposure X3 on or after July 1st, 2018. If you purchased any version of Exposure before July 1st, your current license code qualifies you for an upgrade price of $99.
If you don’t already own it, now is the perfect time to buy Exposure and take a giant leap forward in your photo editing!
Try Exposure Today

Currently using the trial version of X3 at the moment. Im very impressed as it seems to handle my fuji files really well. I am wondering if the Fuji raw processing has been improved even more than it currently is?
We’ve worked on improving the speed of our RAW rendering in X4, and have gotten very good improvements with Fuji files – as much as twice as fast.
There are some other rendering improvements in the works, but we’re not quite ready to announce the specifics.
I’m wonder what about:
– chromatic aberration correction against RAF files from Fuji XTrans3 sensors?
– automatic hot pixels removing against RAF files from Fuji XTrans3 sensors?
– lags with wacom tablets, preassure handling?
Good suggestions, Bartek. Chromatic aberration correction is something we have on our priority list, but it’s not going to make it into this release. Auto removal of hot pixels is on our radar, too.
Wacom tablets shouldn’t be causing laggy performance in Exposure. If you’re experiencing that, let’s get you in contact with our support team and see what’s causing those issues. Here is a link to open a support ticket – https://support.alienskin.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Good to hear. Rendering speed along with an improvement lifting shadows. Looking forward to the new version!
What is the expected update cost for current users?
If you already own Exposure, you can get a copy of Exposure X4 at the upgrade price of $99.
What will the upgrade cost?
The upgrade price for Exposure X4 is $99, or $119 for the Exposure X4 Bundle.
The only thing Exposure needs to do to make me drop Lightroom completely is add a tool to remove purple/green fringing, and make it as good as Lightroom’s tool (Capture One’s version is not as good).
Thanks for the comments, Rick. Chromatic aberration is something we have on our priority list, but it’s not a feature that’s going to make it into this release.
So it won’t make it into Exposure 4 at all, or just not right away?
It won’t be in the upcoming release. We may add it in our mid-year update, but we haven’t finalized our plans for that yet.
Will the histogram be more stable and reliable? It seems to jump about quite a lot when I’m adjusting tones in X3?
We’d like to get a little more information from you about this. I opened a ticket so our support team can contact you about it.
Hey Jimmy and Finley,
Looking forward to X4, I’ve moved to a Pentax 645z and fast raw processing has suddenly become something I care about!
Hope you guys are well,
Brian Fischer, Model Photography Showcase (formerly TWiP: GLAM!)
Nice to hear from you, Brian! I’ll check out the new podcast.
Will we ever see a Linux version of Exposure?
It’s unlikely. We’ve received very few requests for a Linux version.
You received one from me :-)
It would be nice if you could support Exposure with Wine on Linux (as a workaround). X3 works very well with wine – except the license key.
Thanks for the comment, René. I’ll make note about your request for the design team’s logs.
Please…. Please…Please have tethering capability for the Fuji GFX 50s. You will have a corner on the market, since no one does, excluding a lame plugin for LR! X4 will become an oversight success with GFX owners, I assure you! BTW X3 already does a great job of processing the GFX RAW files, just need a complete solution!
Exposure’s tethering workflow is via folder monitoring. So with the GFX, you can use Fujifilm’s free X Acquire software to record images to a folder that you’ve set up for monitoring in Exposure. We’ll have a video that shows how this works soon.
What about highlight recovery ? Is this improved . X3 was amazing but LR still brought highlights back better .
This is something we’re working on and hope to have in Exposure X4.
Can’t wait!! You guys rock!
Thanks, Jack! :)
One question… I would love it if the Curves had the histogram showing behind it. Seems like a pretty easy thing to do. Is that in there? Thanks!
Thanks for the comment, Phil. I haven’t heard anyone ask about that before. I wrote it up as a feature request for our development team.
I would also love to have the histogram show behind the curves.
I’d also like to be able to export files using any ICC profile on my computer rather than just srgb, adobergb and prophoto. This is the most important feature for me.
Thanks for the suggestion about exporting to any installed ICC profile. I wrote it up as a “to do” item for our development team.
That’s fantastic! Thank you :-)
Thanks for the reply., For clarity I have added a couple of images at https://www.dropbox.com/s/az556dth280jaum/PhilRose%20%200238.jpg?dl=0 and https://www.dropbox.com/s/l5k3qqduujxyn7m/PhilRose%20%200239.jpg?dl=0 which shows what I mean in Affinity Photo and ACDSee !8. Hope they help. I’d love to see this.
Thanks for sending these! I added them to our notes about the feature.
Excellent. Thanks so much.
I´m on the trial version of X3 now. Shooting Fujifilm and considering a move. But have been a bit on the fence due to the shadow and highlight recovery. Which I don’t find to be “good enough”. Is this addressed in X4? If so, I will purchase X3 now :)
Improvements to highlight and shadow recovery is something we’re working on and hope to have in Exposure X4.
More requests of new feature worth of analyse:
– wave form histogram
– linux version would be awesome (or run under wine maybe?)
– variable for preserving original photo number from original photo file name to use during import and renaming pattern
– much more gentle working of settings sliders especially in their range near 0 value
– using nvidia gpu for faster image processing
I wrote up your request for a waveform mode for the histogram. That is an interesting idea!
It’s unlikely that we’ll ever have a Linux version – this is a request I’ve only heard a few times.
Exposure X4 will have a feature for preserving the original photo numbering. In the file naming templates, we’re adding a new tag called ‘number suffix’. So if you used it for filename DSC1234.ARW, you’ll get 1234.
For the slider sensitivity, you can click a slider to select it, and then adjust with Shift+Mousewheel or Opt+Up/Down arrow.
Finally, we’ll have GPU acceleration for a few image processing functions in X4. Expect to see GPU use in future releases.
+1 Linux-Counter.
Would be great to have a Linux version.
I used Exposure on Linux via wine and it was faster compared to Windows. Unortunately one of the last updates broke the Installation.
Nevertheless, the development effort shouldn’t be that big because of the underlying QT Library.
Maybe worth to evaluate?
Testing a new platform requires a huge effort, and there is not enough interest among Linux users to justify that. Hopefully the Wine issue will be fixed soon.
The only one reason for Windows partition on my hardware is luck of very good RAW photography software for Linux/BSD.
Yes, dcraw, rawtherapy, darktable (or GIMP) and others are some kind of remedy for that but not as good as Exposure (or Photoshop).
I hope that X4 will run fine under wine… then bye bye Windows with pleasure…
I haven’t tried Exposure under Wine. If you get it working, please let us know!
Will it be possible to use LUTs in the new version? I have to admit I’ve gotten hooked on using them.
We won’t have LUT support in X4.
Are you interested in bringing in outside LUTs to process photos in Exposure? Or exporting LUTs from Exposure to use in other applications?
Mostly in using them to process pictures but being able to create LUTs would be great too. Since Lightroom starting allowing their use I learned how to make them in photoshop and now I’m using them on almost everything – my clients are looking for cinematic imagery and they’re a brilliant way to provide that.
Ok, thanks for the comments. I’ve added them to our notes about the feature. We’ll look at adding this to a future release.
I’d love to have LUT support in Exposure – now that I’m doing some/more video work, and working with LUTs there, would be great being able to match the profiles easily.
Thanks, Mark. I added your comment to our notes about LUT support.
Will there be a stand alone Photoshop plugin version? I’m sticking with Lightroom & Photoshop for my editing needs, but I have loved using Exposure 1.
Yes. Exposure’s workflow options are very flexible. You can use it as a standalone app or as a plug-in with Photoshop or Lightroom.
For what it’s worth, you folks are on the right approach. I think that with the perspective correction I will be able to try using Exposure as my only editor. I appreciate the fact that Fujifilm files work much faster in Exposure than Lightroom, and am excited that it will be even faster. I currently use it conjunction with Lightroom as a plugin, but would like to get off the Adobe monthly rental program and back to buying updates as I need them. I’ve purchased your software as I want to be part of the continuing developments (particularly as DXO doesn’t support Fujifilm at all), so take that as a vote of confidence in your work.
Thanks, Sean! Let us know how Exposure works for you as a RAW editor.
But… What about Snap Art 5 and Eye Candy 8?
Some people are never happy, right? ;)
It is really a necessity to have selective image importing from a card so as to insert certain metadata for those shots, going into one folder, and delete others – and if needed, do a separate import of another session/types adding different metadata and different folder – and delete those not needed – in the process. Yes, they can all be imported, selected/deleted/metadata as relevant, move to different folder – but not as clean. I won’t cry considering the rest of the software, but would be a good addition and flexibility.
Alien is out of this world and I recommend it to all my students.
Thanks for the kind words, Adrian! Previewing and selecting photos when copying from a card is on our ‘to do’ list, though it won’t make it into Exposure X4.
Seems like big improvements are coming with the X4 update. Good job on developing Exposure! Just got my X3 in June and since the free update is only for July purchases, I feel a bit torn on using another 100 for a new update so soon :/
You can take the 30-day trial of Exposure X4 when it comes out to see if you want to buy the upgrade. We think you’ll be pleased with the new features.
If I bought Exposure X3 in March 2018 I can upgrade to X4?
You’re eligible for discounted upgrade pricing – $99 for owners of previous versions of Exposure.
I have been using your excellent Snap Art 4 & I was wondering if you are planning a version 5 very soon.
We don’t have immediate plans for a new version of Snap Art. What features or improvements would you like to see?
Another vote for chromatic aberration! Its good to hear it is on your radar.
I was very impressed with the trial version of Exposure3 as a potential Lightroom replacement. For my needs (300,000+ image cataloguing) an improved metadata search would sell me in a heartbeat.
What improvements would you like to see with search? One thing that may help you in Exposure X4 is smart collections. You’ll be able to automate collection management in very sophisticated ways.
Will there be an upgrade path for existing X3 users.
HI William. Yes, the upgrade price for Exposure X4 is $99, or $119 for the Exposure X4 Bundle.
Hi, Bought your X3 program in April and used for 3 months only. The price for your new version X4 is a little unfair to recent buyers like me. Can you review your policy and consider many who have also bought X3 in 2018. Do you intend to charge as much each time you upgrade? If so, I am wondering if it is worth to continue using your software.
In the last few years, we’ve done two big releases per year. Last year we released Exposure X3 in October as a paid update, and this spring we released the Exposure X3 Complete Workflow Update as a free update for anyone who owned X3. Our updates are typically $99, so if you buy every update you’d pay around $99/year. We do offer occasional promotions, so if you’re willing to wait for those it’s less than that.
We don’t require that you buy every update! Our support team will happily support old versions, and upgrade pricing is available for owners of any version of Exposure, not just the latest one. So you can decide if the features in the latest version are worth the upgrade price.
I´m working with Mac OS 10.11 and LR 6. Will X4 running with this?
Yes. The system requirements for Exposure X4 will be the same as for version X3. Mac OS X 10.10 or newer and Lightroom 6 or Lightroom CC 2015 or newer.
Very nice. May i ask if any auto features like white balance, contrast, curves, colors, etc. are planned for X4 throughout the year?
Thanks for commenting, Gregor. We have that on our radar, but it’s not planned for this release. I added comments about your interest in this feature to the project log, which will notify the design team.
Jimmy, count me in for these functions as well!
Thanks, Andrey. I’ll make sure the developers hear about that. :)
1. Is it possible to include the ability to merge two images, to enable changing a background such as a sky?
2. When you delete an image from a collection can you include the option to delete the original image as well.
Hi John — thanks for commenting. It’s not possible to merge or composite multiple images in Exposure in the way you describe. Photo merging functionality is something we have on our radar. I will make a note about your interest in that feature in our request logs.
Deleting an image directly from a collection isn’t possible. There is not a “Move to the trash” option if you are in a Collection. You can either remove the image from the collection or to choose Jump to Folder. Once in the images home folder you’ll be able to remove the image from your hard drive completely, which will delete it from the collection.
Seems to be good news…
Never used LR (against some very assertive opinions)…
CaptureOne user since long (most because of the perspective correction…) but using Exposure3 most of the time (especially with my new Mac and My Fuji GFX…
I can’t wait to get my paws on Exp4…
Thanks for the comments! I’m glad you’re enjoying Exposure.
I agree. I used LR for a number of years and I liked it overall but it was pretty slow on my system and Exposure is just so blazing fast. I could never go back. Perspective correction was the only big drawback for me and it looks like it may be fixed in the update. I just want it to come out!
I’m looking forward to X4. … been using Alien Skin products for a long time.
I hope X4 will be able to launch from a digital asset manager — Photo Mechanic in my case — with all the features available. The last update had the Crop function missing when launched from Photo Mechanic. Happily, Alien Skin support provided me with a patch version that restored that function.
I love your excellent film presets. I hope you add a LUT tool soon. Perhaps, include some of your own LUTs with a provision for importing third-party LUTS.
Thanks for commenting, Bob. It’s nice to connect with long time users of our software.
Yes, Exposure X4 will work with your Photo Mechanic workflow just like it does now.
We won’t have LUT support in X4. Could you clarify for me? Are you interested in bringing in outside LUTs to process photos in Exposure? Or exporting LUTs from Exposure to use in other applications?
Jimmy, just bringing in outside LUTs to use in Exposure.
Thanks for clarifying! I’ll make sure the development team hears about your interest in that feature.
I’m very interested in this. I test drove X3 as a LR replacement and came very close to buying, but the relatively poor highlight and shadow recovery tools stopped me. If these are improved I’m in. Perspective and chromatic aberration removal are also big wants, so if these are in the pipeline I shall be very happy. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the comments, Jenny. Improvements to highlight and shadow recovery is something we’re working on and hope to have in Exposure X4.
Perspective and keystone correction will be in the new version.
We chromatic aberration removal on our list of features to add, but it’s not planned for this release. I made comments about your interest in our project logs, which will notify the design team.
Well this is exciting! I am just learning today that Exposure x3 has features that make it potentially suitable as a replacement for LightRoom. Like many people I am on a quest to divorce myself from Adobe as I don’t care for renting my work tools. I had looked into some possible replacements but one thing I was worried about with switching to something else was the stability of the company. I don’t want to invest time into moving to a new platform and redoing countless adjustments only to have the carpet pulled out from under me down the road. But I don’t think that would be the case with Alien Skin! Heck, poking around on your website I just saw that there is an upgrade path to Eyecandy 7 from that 20 year old copy of Xenofex I have on my shelf! Very cool! I think it would be great to be a customer of yours again. I will take a close look at the features and be keeping a close eye on this as an option. So far the only sticking points I have found is tethering, (I currently tether to LR on a laptop when working) and perhaps stronger migration tools from LR, but I can understand how difficult that would be, so the fact that you already read some non-image data is pretty cool. I am looking forward to learning more.
Thanks for commenting. I think you’ll be happy with Exposure X4 then. The new Lightroom migration tool will handle bringing photo organizational metadata over into Exposure. And the new monitored folders capability supports tethered shooting workflows.
So glad to read about the new exposure ! I switched from Lightroom to Exposure 2, and then Exposure 3. And from Canon to Fuji. Your instagram page was kind enough to reshare some of my work. I make you quite promotion here in France, and I plan to write an article about your software.
Actually I still use gimp in addition because i do advanced layer merging that are not possible actually with different version of a photo. I would enjoy to see a more integrated version of snap art also.
Thanks for your work, and do not hesitate to contact me if you look for ambassador outside the states :)
Thanks for commenting, Stephane! Thanks for spreading the news about Exposure, and thanks for posting to Instagram using our #myexposureedit tag. We love hearing about what people think about our software. Please let us know when you write about it.
What you mean by a more integrated version of Snap Art? Do you mean more integrated into Exposure?
I know it’s a bit early to be asking, but do you anticipate adding support for the new Nikon mirrorless models soon after release?
Without hearing their plans, it’s hard for me to predict. To support new cameras, we need sample raw photos to study and test with. If the files are similar to existing Nikon files adding support could be pretty quick. If they are significantly different, it could take a while.
We know that a lot of people will be interested in this new line of cameras, so we’ll add support as quickly as we can.
So I’ll ask the question we all want to ask… do you know WHEN it might be released?
We haven’t announced a release date for Exposure X4, but we will make a lot of noise when it becomes available. Keep watching our blog and social media for the latest news.
Wow! Because of the missing perspective and keystone correction tool & the not so good highlight and shadow recovery ability I did not do the move to Exposure! Can’t wait to test the next baby? By the way do you have a release date?
There’s no release date yet. We’re working on getting it out the door as soon as we can.
Hello, I have trialed X3 after realizing my LR would have to be upgraded to Adobe’s subscription CC LR due to the fact my new Olympus wasn’t supported in LR4. I loved X3, but due to some budget constraints I couldn’t pay for full license, plus my laptop was damaged (thanks kids!) so need to find a laptop first. I’m now excited to get back to your program, but just wanted to confirm if I buy X3 now, the upgrade to X4 will be free or $99? Any estimate on what the purchase price of X4 will be once released? Maybe I can wait out a little longer… (been using snap seed on my phone).
Thank you for what you do! I’m glad I learned about the Alien group!
Hi Somanna – Yes, if you purchase a copy of Exposure X3 now, the upgrade to Exposure X4 will be free.
Thank you for the prompt and clear reply!
Ooh, one more request. Maybe this is in it. Every time I want to rename a batch of images I have to click on the number which the previous rename got to, then click on ‘Starting At” then enter 1 then his OK. Could we just get some kind of a Single Click Reset button to speed up that process?
I wrote this up for our development team. Thanks, Phil!
Thanks so much!
This can be it! I tried X3 thoroughly and the show stopper for me was lack of keystone functionality. I was not the only one that complanied about that. I will try X4 just the same way and hopefully I can say good bye to Lightroom. Thanks for listening to our requests!
Thanks, Hans! I think you’ll love the new release.
The only problem I found with X3 is that using clarity always ended up looking really poor compared to pretty much every other raw editor out there. However, as I do like to use that that feature, this has turned me away from X3 despite it’s many other strengths. Hoping it’ll look better in X4 then I’ll be back.
Thanks for your feedback, Tony. I’m happy to take your comments forward to the the development team. I’ll send you an email you about it so we can discuss what you’re looking for in more detail.
Does X4 provide a painless migration path for Aperture hold-outs? Asking for a friend.
Hi Jonathan – We have a step-by-step tutorial that shows the process of migrating from Aperture to Exposure. I’ll send you an email about it that you can forward to your friend. :)
The new release looks like it’s going to be incredible.
Regarding the monitored folder setup for tethered workflows, I’m curious, will there be some sort of support or pipeline for Pentax?
I shoot with the K1 and currently have no options for tethered shooting. C1 doesn’t offer any type of option and, though there is a plug-in from Pentax, LR is abysmal and unreliable.
If there’s a way to use Pentax, specifically the K1, for the tethered workflow, you would be able to offer something that it much needed and currently unavailable.
-J :)
There are a third party tools that offer remote control for Pentax cameras – PkTriggerCord and PkTether. They rely on undocumented features in Pentax cameras, so I’m not sure how reliable they are. But if they will trigger the camera shutter and write the captured raw file to a folder, this will work with Exposure’s folder monitoring feature.
Does X4 come with a digital asset manager? I don’t want to use Lightroom in my workflow.
Exposure excels at photo management. You can see it in action on our Exposure Tutorials page. Check out the Organizing section.
Exposure X4 will add smart collections as an organizing tool. They are a great way to automate photo management using your photo metadata.
Currently using C1P put I like the X3 experience in the trials and getting ready to jump when a few features catch up. Will X4 integrate the functionality provided by Blowup. to allow a simpler workflow for upscaling resolution on exports
Thanks for commenting, Paul. The Exposure X4 Bundle will provide access to Snap Art and Blow Up the same way as the Exposure X3 bundle does.
Fully integrating Blow Up’s resizing technology into Exposure is something we are considering for a future version. It is not planned for the Exposure X4 release, though. I’ll make a note about your interest in our request logs, which will bring it to the attention of the design team.
Will prices remain the same? I intend to switch but not before the Lightroom migration tool becomes available with X4.
Yes, Chris. The price for Exposure X4 will be the same as it is for Exposure X3. If you purchase Exposure X3 now, you will get a free upgrade to Exposure X4 when it ships.
I upgraded to X3 on August 14. What must I do to access X4, as was offered?
Exposure X4 hasn’t been released, yet. When it is, you will get an email with a new license code for Exposure X4. Because you purchased it within the free upgrade window, you shouldn’t have to do anything aside from check your email.
Good news !!! I can’t wait to come out!!!
I hope to see an improvement for I Mac 5k resolution during the editing process, in particular when a brush or masks are required during editing process. I own an exposure x3 license but unfortunately I can’t use it to process my raf (Fuji Xt2) files cause the lag is unacceptable using brushes and layers. Fingers crossed ;)
Thanks for commenting, Claudio. There are significant rendering speedups coming in Exposure X4 that will help make things smoother. Give the trial a spin when it’s released and you can try it out for yourself.
I am using a lot of vintage lenses such as a 1973 28mm, a 1988 300mm 2.8, a 55 1.2. Also a quite modern 12mm 2.8
They all have in common that chromatic aberrations need correcting and especially the 55 needs some fine tuned highlight editing.
needless to say, I’d be chuffed if there was a way to integrate the LR tool with exposure. I use LR 5.5 as I don’t want to jump on the subscription, too expensive for me.
What do you suggest?
Also, would there be a way to integrate your own lens models in Exposure? even better, if users could share those?
Thanks for commenting, Annette. Chromatic aberration correction is something we have on our list of features we’d like to add in future versions of Exposure. I’ll add a note to our feature log about your interest in it. It is not planned for the Exposure X4 release.
Exposure doesn’t officially support Lightroom 5.5, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work with it. When you run the Exposure installer, make sure you quit out of all Photoshop and Lightroom applications before running the installer. The host selection step should detect all compatible host programs. Make sure yours is checked and complete the installation. Once done the plug-in should be available in Lightroom using “Edit in.”
Regarding support of vintage glass, we need example images from each of the lenses to develop lens correction profiles. Would you be interested in supplying us with photos to use for testing? Let’s have you fill out a support ticket and we’ll share instructions for what we would need.
Is there any plan for a geotagging tool in Exposure ?
We already have add GeoTag support on our list of features we’d like to add to Exposure in future versions. What features would you want in a Geotagging tool, Christian?
I think geolocalize images can be important . It’s also a way to such for photos taken in a give place. So the possibility to locate the photos on a map and and GPS informations in the metadata would be nice (a la Lightroom), possibly via a plu-in ?
Thanks for the explanation, Christian. I’ll send a note to the design team about what you’re must have geotag features are.
Hi there,
Excellent soft that I use daily for my workflow. I’d say it is an essential tool for nowadays photographers.
But I have an annoying issue. It is extremely slowly scanning the photos if I’ll do straight from the application itself. If I do from photoshop as a filter is very fast. Any solution for that? I own a X2 copy and sure I’ll get the x4. Mainly for one specific reason (among others): you can move and locate the flares. Good point!
Good work to all the team.
Thanks for commenting, Toni. When Exposure is first installed it needs to build a pre-render cache. This takes some time and will effect performance initially. Once the cache is built you can expect much quicker performance. It sounds like you may be having trouble with this, so I recommend allowing Exposure to run in the background overnight. This should allow sufficient time to Exposure to complete the cache generation and you should find performance to be much better. If it still gives you trouble, let’s get you in contact with our support team. They’ll take a close look at what might be causing that on your computer.
this is nonsense. the program is freezing. cache building is fine but at least the UI should react. this is unusable….
That sounds like something is going wrong, Peter. It shouldn’t be freezing up at all. Let’s get you in contact with our support team. Here is a link to open a ticket.
Hi, are you guys planing to put more new “Overlay Light Effects” to exposure x4?
and also I will love to see a rotation feature to be able to rotate the overlay light effects, this will save me allot of time.
I love the Light Effects and Texture, hope you guys add more features to it?
Yes, there are lots of new light effect overlays coming in Exposure X4 that you can precisely position, rotate, and customize for each image. Learn more about them in this article.
Hi there, to switch fully to a workflow on Exposure 4, will it be able to display videos (as well?). It would be useful to have them displayed, rather than just message that the software doesn’t recognize it. With that, I would be able to move my workflow completely away from an old copy of Aperture! Thanks for letting me know.
Thanks for commenting, Arend. We’ve heard requests for that functionality, before. It’s not going to make the release of Exposure X4, but it is something that we have on our radar for a future version of Exposure. I’ll add notes about your interest in that feature to our logs, which will get the design team’s attention.
Hi. I have X3 and love using it. I am looking forward to X4 and the improved shadow recovery and new perspective adjustments which will be a big step towards a perfect one stop solution. I was thinking of picking up the other products in the bundle too for resizing and art etc. As anX3 only owner, wiill the $119 upgrade allow me to purchase the bundle, or will I need to buy them separately?
Thanks in advance, looking forward to the upgrade becoming available.
Hi Alan! That’s great to hear. Yes, since you own a previous version of Exposure, you qualify for the Exposure X4 Bundle Upgrade price.
Hello Exposure Team ! do you know when it might be released a iPad Pro app ? of X4 ? i’m a Photodeck’s hosting pro subscriber so it is possible to develop a export plugin for this platform ? thank you for your prompt reply and regards.
Hi Stéphane, support for the iPad Pro is something we’ve heard requests for before. We have it on our list of features to consider adding in a future version of Exposure. I’ll make a note about your interest in our request logs and pass it along to the design team.
Yes, you can easily create and customize Exposure’s export recipes for the specifications of your website. Our Exporting video tutorial shows you how to define file handling options and create your own recipes. You can watch the video, here.
No color or luminosity masking in X4? Le sighe…that is pretty much the only thing keeping me from buying it, so much to love about your software!
Thanks for commenting, Carol. Luminosity masking functionality is something we have on our radar. I’ll make sure the design team hears about your interest in that feature.
If this was asked, I apologize. Does X4 handle Olympus RAW? Note that I have an OMD EM-1 MarkII, and it’s RAW files are different than an EM-1’s.
Hi Lyle – Yes, Exposure X4 supports the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II. It supports several other Olympus cameras, too. We list all the officially supported camera RAW formats, here.
I am still looking for a software that integrates my workflow from RAW development (currently with Capture NX-D) to editing and effects (CS5 with Nik Collection) in “one piece” whithout going over TIFFs. I tried Luminar 2018 (unusable) and on1 raw (quite good for USD 49.00 I paid). I hope Exposure X4 will be good, but the price of USD 119.00 is quite an obstacle.
How about dehazing?
Thanks for commenting! That’s a good suggestion. Dehaze controls are on our radar for a future version of Exposure. I’ll add a note about your interest in our request logs for the development team.
Im very happy to see where Exposure is going.
I wish to see the following in future updates.
-LUT support is one of important things Exposure needs to have.
I cannot name any other photo or video edit editing app that does not have LUT support.
Even photoshop has LUT support. LUTS are a standard and a big deal.
-Preset management
The option to hide the default presets because it takes too much space.
And I just want to see my favorites and my own categories.
-rename preset categories or dragging presets from one category to another. You can move a preset to another category but you cant drag and drop or rename your own categories.
Doesnt make sense.
-Saving a window layout
Great new layout options in X4 but you cant save a layout. Must have!
-Custom keyboard shortcuts
-option to hide border or texture panel when you only use Light effects.
-option to disable mouse click to zoom image behaviour. Very annoying with wacom or trackpads. Adobe will never do it. I hope Alien Skin will:)
-jpg mini plugin support
-to have the crop panel visible all the time and not closing as soon you use a radial brush for example.
Selecting a tool shouldnt close a panel by itself.
Not good for muscle memory and it makes the interface nervous on the eyes.
I also would suggest to make the toolbar a real toolbar. With all the tools sitting together. wb, crop, radial, gradient , spot etc.
Now they are in 3 different places and the icons are the size of pixel.
-mapping keyboard shortcuts to user presets.
I use controllermate to do this now but this is done with on screen mouse macro’s. Works really well but its not ideal because they have to be visible on screen coordinates.
Most of these suggestions are pretty basic and a welcome addition to this already fantastic app i think.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the feedback, Paul. Good suggestions. Many of these suggestions are already being considered. I’ll write up this feedback in our logs for the developers to make sure they hear from you.
Paul – I just remembered something when reviewing your requests. It is possible to add Jpeg Mini Pro as an external editor using these instructions. You can then send a Jpeg to the program and it will further compress the file.
This requires too much reading time cutting into my scheduled graphic time along with Bumma
Let’s get you in contact with our support team about the slowness you’re experiencing. It could be caused by your computer configuration. Here is a link to open a ticket.
Hi Jimmy and Exposure Team,
Really enjoying the trial of X4! Any chance the midyear update will support viewing of video files? This is what I need to ditch LR entirely.
Also, are there any near-ish plans for GeoTag support (ie, drop photos onto a map and add GPS info to metadata, like LR)? I could live without this feature for a while, but once you’ve gotten accustomed to it, it’s tough to give it up.
Thanks and interested in your thoughts.
Thanks for commenting, JB. I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying Exposure X4. While we don’t have immediate plans to integrate the features you mentioned, they are both on our radar of things we’d like to add to Exposure. I’ve added notes to our development logs about your interest in both GeoTag and video preview support.
Yes, Linux support would have been lovely!
Noted. Thanks for commenting, Larissa.