Exposure X4 is on the way, and we are excited to tell you about the addition of smart collections. Smart collections organize photos automatically using criteria you specify. You can now populate collections using keywords, ratings, flags, or camera data like exposure time, shutter speed, or ISO. Exposure will instantly update the smart collection with any images on your computer that match, freeing you from the task of manually adding and removing photos.
In this video, we demonstrate how to easily create a new smart collection for a stock image project. We show you how to define collection criteria using keywords and star ratings. Exposure’s smart collection then automatically includes the appropriate photos, saving you a lot of time.
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If we purchase Exposure X3 now do we get X4 for free when it’s released?
Yes! If you buy Exposure X3 now, we’ll send you a copy of Exposure X4 when it is released.
Is there a beta trial version of the new x4 version?
When will the new version be released?
Thanks and greetings Mario
Hi Mario – Thanks for your interest. We don’t release trial versions of beta software. Because pre-release software is still a work in progress, it may contain errors or inaccuracies and may not function as well as the commercially released version.
There’s no release date for Exposure X4 yet, but we’re working on getting it done as fast as we can.
Thank you very much
is there any promo discount for X3?!
We’re running a promo through the release of Exposure X4. If you purchase Exposure X3, we’ll send you Exposure X4 for free when it’s released.
Can Exposure X4 extract gps data from images that contain such data??
GPS data is preserved by Exposure, but there’s currently no way to show or edit it. Adding this is on our “to do” list.
Is there somewhere we can see how the Lightroom migration portion of X4 would work? I’ve been trying to find a good LR replacement for a while now and would be migrating from X2 and LR. Would love to see this in action to decide if I’m upgrading to X4 or continuing my search.
We’ll be publishing a tutorial video about the Lightroom migration tool around the time that Exposure X4 is released. Keep an eye on our mailing list and/or social media channels for an announcement about it.