Exposure’s editing tools are excellent solutions for perfecting your portraits. The tutorial above demonstrates how to perform everyday portrait retouching tasks in Exposure.
Watch the video and learn how to speedily edit your portraits. We’ll show you how to eliminate distracting elements like stray hairs, dust spots, and skin blemishes with Exposure’s Spot Heal tool. Correct for stains on teeth like food, lipstick, or dark lighting with the Whiten Teeth brush preset. Give the eyes of your subjects a vibrant pop with the Enhance Iris preset. And smooth unwanted skin texture to remove fine lines, redness, shadows, and pores with the Soften Skin preset.
In addition to tackling one retouching task at a time, Exposure includes a selection of multi-layer presets that apply several retouching layers simultaneously. These options can simplify your workflow and save you time.
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