Having images automatically organized makes post production lightning fast. We made this video to demonstrate how to set up automated rules for organizing photos in Exposure.
Watch the video and learn how to use Exposure’s flexible options to speed through organization tasks. We show you how Exposure can automatically create a folder structure or update file names. We also walk you through creating naming rules that follow your existing system. By the end, you’ll understand how to have Exposure automatically organize your images.
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I really like when there is text also, not just video alone…
Thanks for commenting. You can read the transcript of the tutorial on the video page, here.
I wish I could filter particular file/image types upon import. For example, I only ever want to import raw files (CR2, ARW, etc). I don’t really want to import JPGs. I understand I can manually deselect certain files but a simple filter would be helpful
Thanks for the comments, Mark. That’s a good point. I’ll add notes to our feature request log so the design team hears your suggestions.