As a loyal user of Exposure, we want to hear from you. Tell us what new features you want to see in the next version of Exposure. Now is your chance to have your opinions heard!
Take part in shaping the future of Exposure by completing our user survey. In just a few minutes, you can share your opinions directly with our design team as they map out new features for the next version.
We’ve been using the feedback we receive for years. In Exposure X5, we added 3D color masking, chromatic aberration correction, and support for DCP profiles in response to survey results. In Exposure X6, we added GPU acceleration, automatic adjustments, rewrote the highlights and shadows, and added a brand new owners manual. This survey is worth participating in; we take the feedback we receive seriously.
In closing, we want to share our sincere thanks for all of you that contribute. Your feedback has helped our team shape Exposure into the advanced creative editor and organizer that it is today.
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Hi, i don’t know the real reasons or motivation for your company to change their name to Exposure, but “Alien Skin” was a unique name so cool!
To find out how cool it was, mind you into my PC all the folders related to Exposure and plugins are renamed by me as “Alien Skin” now!
I think that is a real reason for the next survey!!!
Hi Peter – we talked about the name change on the blog a while back. Here is a link to the article.
Hi there ,
Recently bought Exposure X6 and already facing some very annoying issues !
Dead slow rendering in some circumstances or after a while. Difficult to be specific about the circumstances but, I think when noise reduction is applied, or when several layers are created it gets really problematic. Might come from the GPU support since it seems less problematic when not used but then more slower even.
GPU (6 core) from AMD ! The application detects and uses ‘ OpenCL! Carrizo ‘
I then have to exit the app. and start again to recover some fluidity.
Also, in most cases when trying to exit, it doesn’t allow me to do so and displays a ‘slow exit’ issue window. Hangs there ’till I kill the process from the task manager.
Hopefully these are knows issues already . Trust you to address it at soonest convenience for a quick fix release ?
Thank you much for your support, already.
Hi Jean-Marc, I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble. If the GPU you are using was released 2015 or later, it may be too low powered to be of benefit to your processing. Let’s get you in contact with our support team for more details. Here is a link to open a ticket.
I missed the survey :-(
Feature request #1
I’d like to see a revamp of the Bokeh panel. I understand there used to be an Alien Skin Bokeh plugin for Photoshop ten or fifteen years ago. This, according to what I saw and read, let the user select the area that required bokeh, similar to Photoshop’s pen tool.
My complaint with the current iteration of the Bokeh functionality is that it is disappointing when it comes to the finer details, the small areas that ought to be out of focus, yet remain there inglorious depth of field. A model whose gaps between legs and arms can’t be rendered out of focus with the tools in the Bokeh panel, blur needs to be brushed and applied on a separate layer with the blur paintbrush. Fail – give me automated AI shape recognition – faces, arms, legs, spaces between strands of hair – or just re-instate the functionality of the legacy plugin.
Feature request #2
I’m using X4 on a 2012 MacBook Pro, El Capitan (I upgraded – your read that right – from the bog slow High Sierra) with 10MB RAM (don’t ask). X3 and X4 scream on this laptop of mine…except during export.
My complaint with the current iteration of the Export functionality is that it is s-l-o-w. I’m comparing it to the venerable Photo Mechanic V5 (I upgraded from V6 to V5 – yes you read that correctly – to V5), this app screams doing everything beyond fast, quick and competently. I deal with thousands of images per shoot. I cull in X4, I edit in X4, I export in X4…oh boy, can you hear me slapping my forehead? Can you see me squirm? Do you get the frustration? I sometimes think it would be better to export everything from X4 to TIFF (several minutes to close to a half hour depending on the number of images I’m exporting), and let Photo Mechanic save the resultant JPEGs, watermarked and all, in less than a minute or so.
You guys have so much to learn from reverse engineering Photo Mechanic’s export engine, it isn’t funny. It’s a beast. It spits out exported files in most formats in mere seconds.
Look, I long relinquished Adobe’s hold over my imagination and wallet. You got me while you were still Alien Skin with your non catalog approach. It’s time to stop adding more effects, pretty presets, LUTs, and all that jazz (I don’t use them). It’s the to go back to basics. It’s time to become a lean, mean, exporting machine, to reach output speeds that either match (yes please) or beat the speeds that Photo Mechanic champion.
This isn’t a rant. I applaud what you’ve done and what you’re doing. It’s time for next step, to applaud what you’re developing in the future:
– A really useful and intelligent AI based Bokeh system
– An incredulously quick, speedy, FAST exporting system that excels in exporting hundreds of images at speeds so astonishing, customers that rely upon Photo Mechanic will take notice of the new kid on the block
Shutting up now.
*It’s time to go back to basics
Hi Jez,
Thanks for this feedback! We have discussed the Bokeh issue and are considering approaches for unifying the masking tools in Exposure, in addition to better ways of accomplishing masking. I’m not sure yet if this will be in the X7 timeframe or later.
Regarding export speed, we did significant work to improve speed in Exposure X6. If you have a recent graphics card you’ll see dramatic speedups in all areas, including export. Check out the demo and see what you think! BTW, the comparison with Photo Mechanic isn’t an apples to apples comparison because it isn’t performing any image processing. Exposure is performing raw processing, applying edits you’ve made, resizing, etc.
BTW, the tutorial that deals with Bokeh and the tools in the Bokeh Panel uses a monochrome photo that ALREADY has bokeh. I can’t speak for other users, but I find I turn to the Bokeh panel when I have a shot without any Bokeh in it whatsoever – and I want to it to appear as if I shot it wide open at F2.8 or wider. A revamped and relevant tutorial in this area would be really useful, helpful, and insightful. Use an image that was shot at F8, 11, 16 where everything is in focus, then add bokeh to it. I want to see how you guys do it. For the second part of the tutorial, use a shot of two models, make sure there’s lots of gaps between torso and arms, torso and legs (um, legs wide apart, arms in the air)…then show me how to get dead accurate bokeh, faux F2.8, without anyone able to point out the in focus areas that ought to be out of focus. next, third part of tutorial, show me a portrait of a long haired model, whips hair flowing everywhere in the wind, plenty of gaps between various trusses and locks, shot at said F8, 11, 16 (where everything including the model and background are totally in focus)..and then make it into a convincing F2.8 faux bokeh shot.
All of the above without using the blasted Paintbrush tool. So no layers either.
Yeah, I’d love to see that tutorial.