So far we’ve introduced the team for our head-to-head shoot, and we’ve given Hernan Rodriguez a few minutes to teach about portraiture, but David Mecey hasn’t has his chance to shine. Well, now is the time! Here, he discusses how to build great photographer model rapport during all stages of a shoot.
Being the masterful beauty and glamour photographer that he is, he discusses the topic in great detail. His line of work insists on professionalism throughout the process of building a solid photographer model rapport from the very beginning.
David breaks down the stages of photographer model rapport building into phases from initial contact through to final image delivery. He gives helpful advice for each one of these stages on how to remain professional while keeping the model happy and engaged. There’s nothing better than having a happy client, especially when that client is a model. After all, a happy model will broadcast your amazingness loud and clear. It’s a double-edged sword–so you certainly don’t want a model or client talking about ugly demeanor involving you.
If you like this, you have the chance to work with David during one of his world famous photography workshops. He has a workshop coming up in April 10-12 at Pirate’s Cove, in Boulder City, NV. There are plenty of details over on his website about the workshop, so head over there if you’re interested. If you do decide to attend, you may have the chance to rub elbows with El Tiburón, too. ;-)
Thanks again to everyone on the team. Model–Christina Riordan, Hair and Makeup–Michelle Vanderhule, Pitt Boss–Joseph Payne, Video, Editing, Sound, & BTS images–Andreas and Orlando, Hernan’s Director of Ops–Cindy Galdamez, David’s assistant Justin (Not Andrew) Melhuish, and the annoying jerkweed–jimmy beech.
We gave you a little intro to our video project a few weeks back. Just wanted to give you an idea of who we were working with in The Sunshine State. Joe and I made a quick stop by Cali on our way back from Portland, OR for Mystic. Well, I stayed there a few days to enjoy the weather. Check out the other articles here and here.
We are just getting started with this video series. There are loads more videos yet to come. Hernan is up next with a doozey. Stay tuned!
-jimmy out
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Great video series Jimmy! Really enjoyed the wisdom that David shared. What I liked the most was hearing what the model had to say about working with photographers. Given the sensitive nature of David’s work, it’s double important that a photographer working with scantily clad models remain aware of always being professional, both in language and intent.
Following up with images for your model is extremely important, especially if they were promised. So many photographers drop the ball here and it gives all the photographers who work with that model going forward a bad reputation.
David is a very talented professional photographer and it shows in is rapport with his models and his work. Great series! Looking forward to the next one!
Randy, you’ve officially made it onto Jimmy’s list of awesome people. ;-) Glad you liked the vid. Getting excited about the next installment, myself.
Thumbs up! Excellent advice, especially for those of us aspiring photographers out there.
Great article, really insightful