Exposure handles post-processing from beginning to end. Its workflow is reliable, efficient, and helps you spend less time managing files so you can focus on creating beautiful images. We made this video to demonstrate the essential steps of the process.
In the video, you’ll see how to keep organized from the first step of copying images from a camera card. We show you how to quickly identify the top selects using Exposure’s management tools. How to apply presets, make corrections and improvements, and how to add finishing touches such as an organic vignette or realistic film grain. By the end, you’ll understand the whole process from import through exporting edited finals.
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Świetna aplikacja do fotografii ślubnej. Fotograf Ślubny będzie wiedział co z tym zrobić.
Hi Jimmy, great content. Thank you for sharing. I am a wedding and portrait photographer and I also owned Exposure 5. But I am ashame to say that I haven’t really explore the software or use it in my workflow. But this episode today really catch my eyes.I would like to know if I can use Exposure 5 just like I have been using lightroom for 10 years now. If I can , do you have tutorials made for wedding photographers for batch edit , dodge and burn and special effect with presets and lut? As I said I’m ashamed if these features do exist already waiting for me to discover.
Thanks for the comments. We do have a video tutorial that discusses some methods you mentioned for wedding photography. Check it out, here. Also, if you are looking for instruction on a particular method in Exposure, try using the keyword search on the tutorials page.