Alexander Gref is a young hobbyist photographer from Trier, Germany. He acquired his first camera at 16, sparking his interest in photography. Soon, he fell in love with it. After a few years of practice and some new gear, he routinely captures beautiful images like the ones below. What is most impressive is that he’s mostly self-taught. The techniques in his bag of tricks came from experimentation, books, and magazines.
Alex is an Exposure fan. This is how he gets the analog look that he’s accustomed to. Customization is the key to his workflow. He’s developed his own set of custom settings that he uses for most of his shots. Check out Alex’s Flickr Photostream to see more of his work.
Here are a few of Alex’s personal custom presets. To download the files, right-click on the links and choose “Save As.” Save the preset to your desktop first. That should give you a file with the extension .f1s.
Custom-Fuji Velvia ~ Custom-Agfa RSX ~ Custom-Faded Creamy
You will need to have Exposure 4 installed for them to work. You can download and use it in trial mode if you don’t own it. Double-click the .f1s files to install. The next time you run Exposure, you should see them in the User Settings list.
Try Exposure Today

Thank you Jimmy for this article about me :) :) :)
It was my pleasure, Alexander. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos in our Flickr group!
I particularly like the spider web! Was it naturally wet, or did you spray it with mist? (I’ve been known to use the sprayer on flowers, webs and such…). This shot, though, was actual morning dew.
Nice job with your work!
thank you, it was morning dew! Thats why I took the shot ;)
Thank you for the article and the downloads! I’m looking forward to trying them, and also to seeing more of Alexander’s work.
thank you :) just take a look at my facebook site or my flickr account:
I spoke too soon—when I download these presets, I get a .txt file. Can you help? I’d like to try them.
Hi Leslie! Please right click on the link, and choose the “Save Link As”. Then, you can save it to your desktop. Once it’s downloaded, just double click the .f1s file, and it will install into Exposure 4 under your user settings.
Great work! Love your black & white work.
thank you :)
Very nice work Alexander.I really like the simplicity of the spider web.