Competition, schmompetition. You don’t need to prove you’ve got what it takes to be a world renown artist, right? Wrong! Truth is, you need to. Somehow, you have to get your name out there. A quick and easy way to start is by submitting your work to photography competitions. They’re a great way to add an award notch to your belt, start to build a buzz about your skills, and will help build connections with influencers in the market. My recommendation: start now. There are plenty of places online to submit your work for a competition, but they’re not all created equal. Optimally, you want to win a title that puts your name in lights, instantly raising you to celebrity status. The more fanfare you can get, the better.
This is why Alien Skin spends so much effort and time with the winners of our photography competitions. We know how to play the game, so we do what we do to help as much as possible.
Ed Wedman with Exhibitions Without Walls shared a bit more info on the subject of photography competitions. Read on to hear more about what his team does for winners of their photography competitions.
The concept of Exhibitions Without Walls grew from a heated discussion with a gallery owner who felt that photography and digital art had no place in any fine art gallery or exhibition. Rather than get upset, the people behind EWW decided to make a difference and form an exhibition of their own. ‘Inclusion rather exclusion,’ is a theory rooted in the fine art world which has paved the road for their vision. Their goal is to bring a new level of understanding to the world of fine art photography and digital art.
Specifically, Exhibitions Without Walls is an international organization that offers Photographers and Digital Artists the chance to grow and develop professionally. There are several sites where photographers and digital artists submit their works to competitions. Then, the winners are placed in an online exhibition. Typically, this is what you can expect, but EWW takes promotion and exposure a step further.
Their Best In Competition awards are sent out in a press release combined with a flurry of other publicity activities. This provides artists with a better chance for more exposure to trade journals, community art organizations, designers, galleries, and art consultants as well as the EWW blog. They routinely help promote an artist and their work through interview articles and they offer helpful advice for marketing and promotion.
In the end, the goal is to aid photographers and digital artists develop, mature, and ultimately have their work grow in demand. We want to seize every opportunity to help make make the dream of success in this arena a reality.
Current Competition: The Four Elements
The ancient Greeks believed that everything was made up of four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. This competition is about submissions that visually speak to one or all of these elements using any type of subject and any style of photography or digital art.
Submission deadline: September 7, 2014
Prospectus and submission form:
Contact: Ed Wedman,
Try Exposure Today

[…] Competition, schmompetition. You don’t need to prove you’ve got what it takes to be a world renown artist, right? Wrong! Truth is, you need . . . read more […]