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Here is the winning shot for our Bokeh Sparkles photo contest. Congratulations to Jan Heastont for her winning entry!

You can participate in our next monthly photo contest by posting your work using the contest hashtags on Instagram and Facebook. This contest specifically celebrated the beautiful out-of-focus sparkles of light and color that appear in photos.


Jan Heastont is a passionate hobbyist photographer based in Southern Ontario, Canada. Her love of photography started at an early age. She was inspired by the work of photographers in her family, and she dreamt of taking her own photos some day. Now she captures, edits, prints, mats, and frames her own photography work. We connected with Jan to ask her about how she uses Exposure.

How did Exposure help you in creating your winning shot?

I use Exposure on almost every photo I edit. In my winning macro shot, the edit was really simple. I didn’t do much to it aside from adding a vignette and reducing the saturation of the cyans. After that, I tweaked the tone curve to crush the blacks.


There were lots of great photos shared in the contest. We chose the grand prize winner and three runners-up winners from all the entries. Each of the photographers featured in this article will get a copy of Exposure X3, and the grand prize winner will be featured in our social media headers.


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