Blimey! You guys are killing it over in the Facebook User Groups for Exposure and Snap Art. I went through and selected my faves like I usually do and ended up with over two dozen images. That’s a pretty bumper crop! I think I need to go and lie down to recover.
Well done to all of you who have your fab work featured this week. Let’s see if we can keep raising the bar on the quality of the images coming in to make the judges’ lives even more difficult when it comes to choosing the Photo of the Quarter*. On that note, keep your eyes peeled for a post from Jimmy where the winner for Q1 2015 will be revealed. He or she will be walking away with up to US$2,500’s worth of the camera gear of their choice. Sweet!
Without any further ado, here are the picks of the pics for this week. Click on the images to go through to the original in the Facebook groups and leave some love for the photographer in question. Your vote will help select the Photo of the Month which will be announced next week*.
If you would like to see your work featured here or you just think you can do better, head over to the Facebook User Group pages and share your best Alien Skin-flavoured work.
*For the rules on the Photo of the Quarter competition, check out this post.
**The rules for the the Photo of the Month award are quite simple – the most amount of “likes” at the time of going to press wins.
It was great seeing so many photos in the Exposure User Group on the theme of the week, which was “Street”. The theme for next week is “Landscape”, so dust off your tripods, set phasers to f/11 and have some fun this weekend.
Hope you all have a good one!
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